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A behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aid is a hearing device that consists of a hard plastic case worn behind the ear that is connected to an earmold that fits inside the outer ear

BTE hearing aids are suitable for people with a range of hearing loss, from mild to profound. They are easy to handle and clean, and are relatively sturdy. Some of the benefits of BTE hearing aids include: 

  • Amplification: BTE hearing aids provide the most amplification, making them a good choice for severe-to-profound hearing loss. 
  • Comfort: BTE hearing aids are comfortable because they don't sit deep in the ear. 
  • Visibility: Despite their size, BTE hearing aids are barely visible when worn. 
  • Durability: The larger size of BTE hearing aids provides more durability and allows for more features. 

There are also open-fit BTE hearing aids, which are small and fit behind the ear completely, with only a narrow tube inserted into the ear canal. This type of aid may be a good choice for people who experience earwax buildup

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